I watched yesterday a video which made an argument that the arrival of printing press and the proliferation of reading increased our mental abilities. I think something similar, a boost in human intelligence, might come out of giving more people access to powerful AI agents. As you mentioned, AI tutors and AI-enhanced education can be a first step in that direction.

Your idea about using education as a bedrock for superintelligence echoes what some AI researchers have been saying in the past - we need to think of superintelligence as humanity's children. And as with our own children, it needs to be raised.

It seems that combining both ideas - AI in education and raising superintelligence - can be a win-win solution.

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Yeah indeed I think that humanity as a whole in the next coming 12 years will see an increase in our mental abilities which is fascinating to think the wild ride that is being in primary school today or in a couple of years when these tools are more commonplace. Those kids are gonna be wild!

But yeah I've also read some AI ethicists hypothesis about "raising " AI and of course it's not the same and it involves some more workarounds but it is a very interesting perspective on how to build a complex system that is aligned with humanity's goals and ideals.

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